The second Let's Connect talk in a fortnight for us (see the other here). We didn't make it easy for ourselves, opting to cover the entire South Atlantic from Guyana and Morocco in the North to South Africa and the Falkland Islands in the South. We again used the power of our TROVE KnowledgeBases to allow us to pull this talk together at short notice (we offered to fill the slot for a late cancelation so had less than a week to pull it all together!). We chose to look at this area because of the exciting discoveries made in recent years - such as the Liza field offshore Guyana. You can watch a recording of "Recent Major Developments in Oil and Gas in the South Atlantic. From Guyana to South Africa and from Morocco to the Falkland Islands - the huge potential for future growth" here.
Recent developments and discoveries in the South Atlantic have proven numerous new petroleum provinces and major multi-billion barrel developments. This talk will address the major finds on both sides of the South Atlantic conjugate margin. We will look at the amazing success for ExxonMobil and others in the Guyana-Suriname-French Guiana basin and compared that to the Transition Margin of Africa with specific reference to major finds in Ghana and selected other West African countries. Major developments in Morocco and the challenges of remote Falkland Islands discoveries will be compared with the recent successes in South Africa and future deepwater potential. With some imminent key wells in the region, we look to some of the most active basins globally and look to the future for the O&G industry post-Covid. In this whistle-stop tour of the major trends in South Atlantic exploration and production, in some of the latest active and successful hotspots on the planet, we will show how just six TROVE databases can inform and inspire geoscientists of the regional potential.
Understand how the major centres of future oil and gas activity will change global economics and how only a rapid response by O&G companies will enable them to share in the prize. Regulators in countries trying to win the 'hearts and minds' of explorers need to understand why industry attention is migrating to the South Atlantic. This 40-minute talk is intended to inspire explorers to re-think corporate strategies for future opportunities for growth.