On the 29th September 2022, we were invited to present to Finding Petroleum. Mike gave a presentation on Southern & Eastern Africa, providing a round up of some of the activity we've seen in the region in 2022.
From Graff & Venus in the Orange Basin of Namibia, to the Coral Sul FLNG vessel in the Mozambique's Rovuma Basin.
Since recording, it has been announced that drilling at Gazania has commenced. Also, Chevron has farmed into the Harmattan energy block just to the north of Venus and Graff in Namibia.
Thanks to Finding Petroleum for inviting us along. Visit the Finding Petroleum Website to register for future talks: https://www.findingpetroleum.com/home/
All of the information in this video can be found in our TROVE Africa databases. These impressive products are a 'must have' for E&P companies interested in this region.
Get in touch today to find out more about our TROVE databases - we'd be happy to arrange a demo: info@1stsom.com